Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week 4 Blog 3

In a nutshell I really like Steal Like an Artist. How to be creative! YES! He quotes David Bowie! Double YES! Jay Z and Patti Smith and Vonnegut are also noted. Yup. He likes cool stuff AND he creates cool stuff (hello blackout poetry).

Show Your Work was fine, but not as powerful/thought provoking for me. I love art and having a voice, but I hate the "self promotion" aspect of it. I just felt like it was more difficult for me to connect with personally.

As I read Steal, I kept thinking "I could use this in my classroom" and "this is a fantastic idea." With Show I read and chuckled a few times (his voice is super engaging), but there were very few "ah ha" moments for me. The book is still really engaging and fun, don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't as good.

FYI...sorry for the short posts. I literally have no internet, no wi-fi, no cell service. How the hell do we share without these things? It would be so relaxing if I didn't feel a bit stressed about work. I tried posting/blogging from an ipad. How do people do it?


  1. I agree, I really got into Steal Like an Artist. In fact I got so into it that I finished it! It just seems to be really teacher friendly!
    How do we do anything without technology? :) Hopefully you will get yours back soon!

    1. I was on vacation. I brought an ipad to write blogs/tweet with. It didn't really work out for me. Thanks though :)
      On another note, the other aspects of vacation were amazing!

  2. Actually.. now I'm inspired. How DO we share without that technology? It might make for a powerful experience in a creative writing class -- how do we get our work out there without the power of the internet? It happened for centuries prior, so now that we have this digital environment, how might we disrupt expectations in a non-digital way?

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