Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 5 Blog 3

So this post is going to be a Dream/Gripe (creative confidence) of the blogging/storytelling/whatever I've been doing in the past few weeks. It's my last blog for the class, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Blogging has been the best part of the class (for me) so far.
I would REALLY like to have a non-classroom blog, but I'm not sure I have the motivation to do it. It takes me a long time to articulate what I want to say and an even longer time to feel like I have something important to say.

I like the idea of a bi-weekly challenge. A "try this tool and share what you come up with via your blog" but (again) it's about motivation. I'm motivated by grades. I'm motivated by comments. Having something just "there" doesn't work for me. I also would have to come up with my own ideas/tools/whatever, and (maybe I'm just feeling whiney) I don't have the time to do it.

Maybe it's because my blogging is limited to evenings (after 7:00) when the kids are in bed and the hubs is watching tv. This is only so when he is watching Netflix. Watching ACTUAL tv in my house at the same time someone is on the internet interferes with the antenna signal. The signal on which we get to watch what we fondly refer to as "the channel" (cbs if you were wondering).

Maybe it's because after 7:00 (when the kids are in bed) is actually after 8:00 (when the kids are actually asleep).

I hate mindmaps, but I like #5 in "tips from the field" (Creative Confidence). It's about guiding people on a mental journey. I feel like blogging makes this possible for me.

I like the creativity challenges in the end of the book (in general) and will likely try many of them in my classes. Maybe I could do something with these? I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know.

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