Thursday, July 3, 2014

Week 2 Blog 3 Artifact #2

Here are my two infographics.
The early one started as a mindmap that I created while watching this video. It was all over the place and way too huge for the little space I was allotted. I took what I had and it somehow morphed into this mess. I wanted to start clean and fresh, but it didn't quite work. I didn't know how to use the program AT ALL.

So I practiced, and it helped. This infographic was inspired by the hipster one I posted in Week 2 Blog 2. I'm still not super happy with it. I tried to use only what was available to me on I also tried uploading images (Creative Commons images connected to story...a Story Road sign and such). Uploading the images worked, but I wasn't pleased with the way it looked AT ALL. I'm not sure I have an eye for design. I guess I know what looks good in the end, but getting it to look good is a different story. This is why stealing like an artist works for me I guess. I can bring the content and revise a template to get it to look the way I want it to (for the most part). I'll tweak this more as I continue. I feel like it needs more images. The color behind the font makes it pop a bit, but...
Anyway, StoryCorps is awesome and is not mine (by the way).

My Infographic

I added some images to the piece. I think because it was mindmapish (originally), it also had (and still has) lots of text. I like it though. It's a way of making a mindmap (I hate them...sorry) like a list (which makes more sense to me).

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