Sunday, July 27, 2014

Week 5 Blog 2 Artifact 3

So I made storystones.
They're cool. Not as cool as I want them to be, but they're cool.
My idea is to have students find stones and create their own storystone for class.
I like the idea of having the tangible stones. All (yes all) of the tools I tried to use worked, and would probably work REALLY well, if I knew all of the ins and outs. I don't.

I'll share the Realtime one with you Dan Ryder.
I'll use the actual stones, but something is lost once they're uploaded. It took a long time to do and isn't worth it in the end.



  • It looks good.
  • It's easy to share.

  • Slow uploading (my computer?)
  • When I moved images it would make a copy of the image.
  • When I deleted the copy, both images would be deleted.
  • The space is too small to fit all of  the images I would like to use
Realtime Board

  • lots of features
  • easy to share
  • huge board
  • harder to figure out (too many features)
  • no "working" or "uploading" just need to wait.

By the way these are my artifact 3. I wanted the whole thing to be better. It wasn't. I feel like when I have students create them the stones will work better. (I'm actually proud of them now).

Here are a couple of earlier "drafts" that clearly weren't working when getting everything to jive with blogger and getting on one page, and...let's just say I'm glad blogs are editable. The above lines that are crossed out referred to these examples.


  1. Those cons on Realtime Board are ones I share as well, though I've found the features are pretty helpful once you have enough time to tinker around with the thing. I wonder if your students would find it equally frustrating or if it might be an option to put on the table for them?

    That lack of status message is very frustrating, as is some of the quirks around signing on collaborators.

  2. I like it more now that I messed with it a bit. It's still a bit frustrating, but it's getting better. Did you get my link to it via email? I can try to share it again. I'm not making it public.
